Learn Yoga to Dive in the
World Of Health & Fitness
Helping people to gain a healthy lifestyle by adopting yoga practices For healthy living Eat better, Do yoga often and feel good.

Hatha Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Restorative yoga

Intuitive Yoga

Slow Yoga

Aroma Yoga

Ashtanga yoga
Online Yoga Classes
Perform yoga as an independent therapy for your existing as well as non-existing health problems, join ‘Heal Me’, and let yoga be a part of your daily routine. Yoga is a therapy that has the capability to increase stamina, immunity, body flexibility, and physical fitness.
Why one should choose
HealMe's Online Yoga Classes?

Classes start whenever you decide
One can start learning yoga according to his own convenience through our recorded videos and instruction manuals. One to one online sessions are available

Advanced yoga techniques and styles
Put spice in your daily yoga routine by adopting HealMe’s advance yoga techniques and styles. This can enhance your knowledge and one can erupt like a yoga teacher.

Choose your favorite yoga teachers
You can choose out of our numerous expert yoga trainers according to your need, location, time & style.

Pay Per Class Option Available
You can choose out of our numerous expert yoga trainers according to your need, location, time & style.

5 Minute Yoga break
at your DESK
Nowadays, life has become so much fast-paced that time for self is not there. The concept of a 5-minute yoga break with a simplified technique could rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul. HealMe aims at achieving the same with a short duration introductory course in association with ASVCT.org.